外国人活躍中 外国人管理職あり リモートワークOK 海外在住者OK(在留資格なし) 在留資格サポートあり 土日祝休み 副業OK ベンチャー企業
・Over 3 years of experience in building and operating a Linux server
・Experience in troubleshooting and permanent support when a server or network failure occurs
・Linux server and middleware (Apache, Mariadb, Postfix, Qmail, Dovecot, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.)
・Experience creating operation tools (such as shell scripts for work automation) in scripting languages (JavaScript (Node.js), Typescript, Python, Perl, PHP, Bash, etc.)
・Basic knowledge of networking Understanding (knowledge of TCP/IP, knowledge of protocols such as DNS, HTTP, etc.)
・Experience tuning Linux servers and middleware (Apache, Mariadb, Postfix, Qmail, Dovecot, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.)
・Experience building and operating large-scale systems ・Experience building and operating virtual
environments (VMware, Xen, KVM, etc.)
Experience in construction and operation of various network equipment (L2, L3, L4, L7, etc.)
・Experience in various data center work (racking, wiring, etc.)
・Experience in infrastructure design, standardization, operation design
・Experience in negotiating with customers
・Vendor experience Negotiation experience
1. 法人向け日本語教育プログラム及びビジネス日本語研修の提供「日本語オンラインスクール」の運営
2. 転職支援サービス「JOBs Japan」の運営
3. 外国籍エンジニア採用支援サービス「IT JOBs in Japan」の運営