Japanese Vietnamese
外国人活躍中 外国人管理職あり リモートワークOK 海外在住者OK(在留資格なし) 在留資格サポートあり 土日祝休み 副業OK ベンチャー企業
【Desired Skills and Experience】:
- Business-level proficiency in Japanese
- Experience as a Development Project Manager (PM)
- Hands-on development experience as a developer, and the ability to actively engage in development tasks
- Strong ability to write clear specifications and documentation
- Native-level proficiency in Japanese
- Experience in offshore development management
- Interest in the financial or Fintech domain (financial knowledge is not required)
- Experience in system planning/system management in a securities company
*(Experience with web services is mostly preferred, but experience with apps or other platforms is acceptable even if web service experience is lacking.)*
1. 法人向け日本語教育プログラム及びビジネス日本語研修の提供「日本語オンラインスクール」の運営
2. 転職支援サービス「JOBs Japan」の運営
3. 外国籍エンジニア採用支援サービス「IT JOBs in Japan」の運営