外国人活躍中 外国人管理職あり リモートワークOK 海外在住者OK(在留資格なし) 在留資格サポートあり 土日祝休み 副業OK ベンチャー企業
The ideal candidate for this role is someone who:
- Is constantly challenging themselves to achieve unprecedented outputs.
- Has an interest in UI design and can provide suggestions for improving user experience (UX).
- Enjoys working with new technologies and staying updated with the latest trends.
- Has a broad perspective and is eager to learn proactively.
- Is willing to study and apply technologies from diverse fields to ensure project success.
- Can develop using the latest web technologies and stay up-to-date in this rapidly evolving field.
1. 法人向け日本語教育プログラム及びビジネス日本語研修の提供「日本語オンラインスクール」の運営
2. 転職支援サービス「JOBs Japan」の運営
3. 外国籍エンジニア採用支援サービス「IT JOBs in Japan」の運営