Japanese English
外国人活躍中 外国人管理職あり リモートワークOK 海外在住者OK(在留資格なし) 在留資格サポートあり 土日祝休み 副業OK ベンチャー企業
Common requirements: Japanese communication ability at business level or higher
Those who have experience/strength in one of the following:
- Experience in building and operating corporate IT
- PC kitting experience
- Experience managing devices such as Win/Mac/Linux
- Help desk experience in corporate IT/security
- Those who value accuracy and detail and have a high level of attentiveness
- Coding experience (including script processing and macro processing)
- English communication skills above business level
- NW construction and operation experience
- Those who like gadgets
1. 法人向け日本語教育プログラム及びビジネス日本語研修の提供「日本語オンラインスクール」の運営
2. 転職支援サービス「JOBs Japan」の運営
3. 外国籍エンジニア採用支援サービス「IT JOBs in Japan」の運営